Letter from Jon, October 2018 


Dear Family
Much of my time over these last months has been taken up with pressing in to Liberty Centre, creating a home for our Church and a place of hope and life for our community.  It has been exciting over the last couple of months to start to see real signs of progress with our new car park in place and new walls taking shape to form our crèche and toilet facilities, and I want to say a big thank you to an amazing team of volunteers who have got us this far, and saved us a huge amount of money.
I never thought I would get excited about seeing a car park or a wall take shape, but when I see these developments, I don’t see them as bricks and mortar (or tarmac and plasterboard) but as what they represent for this Church family and this community.  Every car park space represents a person or a family on a journey with God; some at the beginning of that journey and some way down the road but each one precious to God. When I see the crèche taking shape I see children and parents being drawn and transformed by the power of the gospel.  I even get excited by toilet blocks being used on Sundays and through the week by a wide range of people: Church family, Choices and CAP clients, parents and families, people from the surrounding businesses and community.
This building is not Liberty Church - we are Liberty Church, but this will be our family home and a place of life, hope and freedom for many.  As we continue to press in over these next months please keep praying for favour with council and contractors, wisdom in use of our resources and strength to keep on pressing in.  Pray also for the Liberty family at this time as we are aware of so many who are struggling with health and loss.  I know that God is with us – he is the Shepherd who will always guide, protect and comfort us.
Love and blessings

Jon Farrimond, 01/10/2018