Letter from Jon, April 2020 

 Dear Church Family
I love you, Lord, my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation
my stronghold.
Psalm 18:1,2
As I write this letter I am aware that there has never been a time where we have needed the strength, encouragement and support of the Church family as there is now.  In these last weeks and months a word has entered our vocabulary that was previously unheard of by the majority of us.  This word seems to appear in almost every news story and affects every part of our lives.  In fact, on the BBC news website the other day, there was an article that mentioned ‘Brexit’, a word that for the last years has dominated our news but which now seems like a distant memory.
It is interesting how the situation we now find ourselves in has changed our priorities, our perspectives, our way of life and indeed our vocabulary so quickly.  As a society we start to ask ourselves ‘what is really important?’.  We realise that much of what we spend our lives doing and pursuing seems to fade into insignificance.  In a time when our movement is greatly restricted we start to appreciate the freedom we normally have.  In a time when we cannot meet with those we know and love we realise the importance of community and of relationship.  In a time when the foundations of our society, our finances and health are shaken we start to consider where our true security lies.   Over these last couple of weeks, and as we continue through this season, however long it might last, we must reaffirm the God who is our rock, our fortress and our deliverer. 
I know that, as believers, we are not somehow immune to the emotions that we see around us at this time.  Just like everyone else we can find fear, anxiety, worry and panic rising in our souls.  Let us not pretend that we are unaffected or that we are somehow superhuman, but let us acknowledge these feelings before God.  As we approach Easter we see Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane crying out to his Father, asking if there is another way that would avoid the pain of the journey in front of him, and yet surrendering himself to the Father’s will.  Our God knows every emotion we feel but in the midst of that he remains our refuge and strength.
How much we need the constant hope of our God.  How much we need to remind ourselves of who he is and who we are in him, and how much we need the love, support and encouragement of the Liberty family at this time. I pray, and continue to pray, that the Lord would bless you and keep you; that his face would shine on you; that he would be gracious to you, turning his face towards you and giving you peace.
Much love

Jon Farrimond, 01/04/2020