Letter from Jon, April 23 

 ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God
that brings salvation to everyone who believes’
Rom 1:16
Dear Friends
This last week I put together a Pastor’s update report for our Elders, giving a brief summary of the main things that have been happening around the Church since the beginning of the year.  I say ‘brief’, but as I started to write it and to consider the many areas of church life, I realised just how much has happened in such a short space of time, and how encouraging it was even to write the report.
Since the beginning of the year our Sunday meetings have seen a renewed sense of life and hope, with many new people joining us.  It is always encouraging when you underestimate the number of seats required and have to put out more.  We are not only seeing more people on Sundays but a number of these people have now done our ‘Into Liberty’ course and chosen to make Liberty Church their home.  We are also seeing new life on Wednesday evenings at Gathering with God which is rapidly becoming an established community of believers and those on the journey towards faith.
In addition we are seeing real growth in our children and youth ministry, with the creation of the ‘Toast’ group for the older ones, and with a thriving ‘Blast’ group going through Youth Alpha.  We are also starting to build stronger relationships with our missions partners, particularly Comfort International and Bethany Christian Trust.  There has been a significant increase in our corporate prayer life with a number of new opportunities for us to gather and seek God, and a renewed passion for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  We have a number of people engaging with the Kintsugi Hope group and the ‘Just Be’ breakfasts and a number who are going through the Ignite discipleship course.  Our Connect group has now become a weekly gathering and provides a valuable place for connection for seniors, and we now have regular opportunities for new people to gather for lunch on Sundays.  In a wider context I am seeing growing relationships with other church leaders both locally and nationally, with a real heart to seek God and his kingdom together.
We have also seen significant change with George stepping down from his role as Financial Coordinator and Helene becoming Financial Administrator.  At the same time we have made the bold but necessary step to bring our CAP Centre to a close, which is, of course, sad in some ways but also exciting as we believe that it will open new doors for ministry to the poor in the days ahead.
It is hugely encouraging to see this new momentum within the life of the church, but as we approach Easter, I am reminded again that everything we do is because of and for Jesus Christ.  It is because of the gospel and its power to save, to transform, to redeem, to bring hope and life, that we do all we do.  It is all about Jesus Christ our King, our Risen Saviour.  It is all for his glory.  It is his church, his body, his bride, and we are simply invited into his grace to live for him. 
As we move into Holy Week and focus on the death and glorious resurrection of our Lord, may we again be impacted by this marvellous Good News and say with Paul ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes’.  May everything we do as a Church together find its centre in Jesus Christ.
Love and Easter Blessings

Jon Farrimond, 01/04/2023