Letter from Jon, August 23 

 Dear Friends
Last month we had the privilege of visiting my sister in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with our family.  It was a great time away with a number of ‘firsts’.  My first (and last!) oyster, first time seeing an osprey (flying past my sister’s house with a fish in its talons - pretty cool!), first bald eagle, first time we have seen fireflies lighting up the trees around us, first time boogie boarding (amazing!) and first time sea-kayaking, which was a lot of fun.  I realise that by nature I tend to stick to the well-worn paths, the things I know, the familiar.  I am a creature of routine and habit, which has many great benefits but can also mean missing out on new adventures.  Our holiday made me realise how much there is out there which I have yet to see and to experience, and that life is richer when our senses are challenged and stimulated in new ways.
The same applies to my walk with God.  I have been a Christian now for 42yrs and there is so much I am grateful for during those years, where I have known God’s presence, power and peace.  I have seen God move in my own life and in the lives of others, and I love being a part of the Liberty family.  I realise though that there is a temptation in me to settle and a draw towards that which is familiar and safe, but at the same time I know there is still so much of God I have not yet experienced. I wonder how many ‘firsts’ God has in store for you and I even this year; new experiences of his power and presence, new revelations of his character, his love and mercy towards us, new answers to prayer, new adventures of faith, new relationships and opportunities, new salvations and healings.
Our sea-kayaking adventure began on a misty morning as the harr hung over the water, and as we paddled away from the shore with our guide leading the way, it was difficult for us to see where we were headed.  There was an eerie sense of adventure heading into the mist, not knowing where we were going but trusting the guide who went before us, and it was well worth it as the harr lifted and we saw the islands and the wildlife of the Nova Scotia coast.  Sometimes, to experience the ‘firsts’, we have to just set off, take a step of faith, put our oars in the water, and trust our ‘guide’.
My prayer for my own life and for our lives together in this coming season would be that, as we trust God to guide us and as we take a step of faith, he will lead us into new places and experiences for his kingdom, that there would be ‘WOW’ moments for us in this year, stories to tell, things that will become part of our faith journey, leading us closer to God and his plans for our life.
With love and expectation

Jon Farrimond, 01/08/2023